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what is params

params we get as parameter in view. which is an object of Params class In which we get all the values ​​extracted from url in the form of variables. These variables can also be get,add, delete, update in the following ways. This would be useful in middlewares in general.

Add variable to params

params.stu_id = 11

Get variable from params

variable access from params

Accessing a variable using the get() method. In get method we have to give the name of the variable in the form of string. If the variable exists then it will return the value otherwise it will return None.

Updating variable in params

If a variable named stu_id does not exist in params, a new variable named stu_id will be created.

params.stu_id = 22

Delete variable from params

deleting a variable using the del keyword

del params.stu_id
deleting a variable using the delete() method. In the delete() method, you have to pass the name of the variable as a string. It will not give an error if a variable with this name does not exist in params.